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Bloom Enrichment

Fall 2021 - Competition Project

Partners: Kaley Lucas and Landann Brown
Social Media Campaign

A mentoring program for young girls in Bowling Green, KY and surrounding areas, that takes place online due to the pandemic. Bloom’s mission provides a virtual safe space for girls to blossom in social, emotional, physical, and mental wellness.


Jumping Off Point

We were challenged with creating a social media campaign to promote Bloom and gain attraction with their target audience (young girls) by expanding upon their brand. The only stipulations being, keep the original slogan, “Where we blossom,” and the original pink, orange and white colors.


Original Logo

The Direction

With Bloom's mission statement and the stipulations given, our team decided to target our posts to young girls on instagram and their parents on Facebook. The actual posts will have a system in place for consistency but the information will be different. For the brand itself, we wanted to refine the one they had due to a time constraint of an 8 hour turnaround

BLOOM Logos-02.png
BLOOM Logos-04.png
BLOOM Logos-03.png
BLOOM Logos-07.png
BLOOM Logos-06.png
BLOOM Logos-05.png
IG Mental Wellness.jpg
IG Physical Wellness.jpg
IG Social Wellness.jpg
IG Emotional Wellness.jpg

To say that we were a lean, mean, designing machine, wouldn't do it justice. We all brought different skills to the table between my hand-lettering, Landann's doodles, and Kaley's photoshop skills. I am incredibly thankful to have such talented and collaborative teammates (that just so happen to also be my roomies ;-D)

Shout out to my favorite people and designers that are always able to bring me back down to Earth, Kaley Lucas and Landann Brown!

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